To multiply disciples of Jesus who are reaching the campus, the city, and the world.


We help people say their next yes to Jesus by enjoying God, growing together, and living on Mission.

The Well's Cultural Values

What it looks like when we are living out our Mission

Gospel Dependency

We demonstrate our need for Jesus through a personal devotion to God's Word and prayer

Joyful Generosity

We eagerly use God’s gifts for God’s glory

Relational Honesty

We're not a church without sin, we're a church without secrets

Inside-out Discipleship

We follow first, serve second, and lead last

Everyday Missionaries

We seek ways to BLESS those close to us but far from God

Spiritual Multiplication

We multiply disciples to multiply churches

Core Beliefs

We believe in the gospel - the good news that Jesus Christ has invaded the darkness of this world with an eternal hope. His life, death, and resurrection have provided a way for us to be saved from our sins and united with God forever. We want our city to know this hope. The following is a summary of our foundational beliefs, or you can click HERE for a full statement of faith.

Here's a Summary:

We believe in one God eternally existing as one essence and three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, each of whom is fully God, yet there is one God.


God has made Himself known to the world in Jesus Christ, the Scriptures and creation.

Creation & Providence

We believe that God created the world from nothing and governs all things at all times in all places.


We believe that all humanity is created in the image of God and possesses intrinsic dignity and worth.


We believe that sin has fractured all things, leaving the world in desperate need of salvation.


We believe that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.


We believe that the Church is the body of Christ sent into the world to shine forth the glory of God.

Resurrection & Consummation

We believe that Jesus Christ is returning to the world in the future to judge the living and the dead.

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